A bit of 'history of our place, from Wikipedia:
Chiocchio is a city which is part of the town of Greve in Chianti, its ancient name was was "Fonte del Brocco" and here, in the thirteenth century, was a crossing from the ridge road and the “Strada de Chianti” This path was thus particularly important for rural and religious settlements that were built nearby, the tower-house Fonzacchino, the Oratorio di San Giusto a Montemartiri, the church of San Michele a Rugliana and the Monastery of St. Margerita a Sugame, just to name a few.
The are two churches in Chiocchio , one the ancient church of San Donato a Mugnana, of twelfth century, the other, more recently, St. Mary Chiocchio, formerly called the Church of Our Lady of Good Voyage. This keeps the painting from the parish, “Rest from escape to Egypt”, the Tuscan School (1616). In the parish church of San Donato a Mugnana houses a incense burneu and a ship (incense) coming from 'Abbey of San Cassiano at Montescalari.
Near Chiocchio's Castle Mugnana belonged to Amidei and then to Bardi, whose construction dates from the fourteenth century. Near the farm Barberino, was found a Roman “doliare” stamp, depicting Hercules, written in greek with EPA = Era (Klesa) = Hercules.